
// change or cause to change direction abruptly.


// a cooperative enterprise.


// a thing which has been made or invented, especially something showing artistic talent.

swerve collective creations.

// swerve is an independent record label that focuses on house music in all different varieties. from festival anthems to mellow, chilled tracks, the swerve roster covers most all house sub-genres. swerve believes that house music can be mainstream and comes in all shapes and sizes. continually, swerve takes pride in featuring underrated artists with incredible potential and providing them the platform and outlet to showcase their specific sound.

//our mission is to provide fresh house music from underrated and/or up-and-coming artists and producers to our listeners.  through YouTube promo, original releases, playlist curation, and other media content, we aim to share our selected taste of music to a large and influential community and give back whenever we can.

// music is everything to us, and we hope our branding and curation showcase just that.


what is swerve?

// swerve is a record label, promotion service, music chart, and community all nested into one.

what music does swerve release?

// swerve exclusively supports and releases house music. if it’s around 128 bpm, we’re about it…unless it’s slap house. no slap house please.

how can I submit a demo to swerve?

// we have a demo drop on our site. you can submit an original for a potential release or released songs for playlist / radio show consideration. check out the ‘demodrop’ tab to submit.

why does swerve have imprint labels?

// swerve currently maintains three imprints (Test Drive, Accelerated, and Detour). This allows us to release music more directly and market the specific sub-genre towards a more niche audience.

what makes swerve different than other labels?

// it’s really more about the brand. most other labels release music and call it quits. we take it to the next level with our promotion and gear specific campaigns for specific re. eases. we focus on the artist, not streaming statistics.

the results literally speak for themselves…


radio supports




Rostered artists

// testimonials.

“swerve is my pride and joy. i’m beyond proud to showcase some of the most talented, underrated, and musically-inclined artists of the 21st century within dance music.”

// sean danielczyk


“swerve is a melting pot for house music across the globe. with artists rostered from America all the way to Singapore, there is no corner of the world untouched by swerve.”

// jamie “jokes” edwards


“swerve is a future dance music powerhouse in the making. between the 3 imprints there is so much variety, and all of it is quality. this isn’t just generic house music, this is stuff with character.”

// frank williams


“Swerve is where the house music is at”

// lloyd (Hidden Melodies)
